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{ web projects }

The fastest way for us to both find the answers we are looking for is to get all the relevant information on the table right out of the gate. I don't want you to waste your time on a long "Discovery Call" with me, but at the same time, I do need to understand what you're looking for!


It's a quick and painless process!

Fill out the form

This will take about 3-8 min.

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Get your answers​

In 1-2 business days, you'll get a personalized and informative response with next steps.

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Let's meet!

If it's feeling like a fit, we set up a time to talk project scope, agree on price, and begin!

Other options...

Maybe after getting into the details it doesn't seem like the perfect fit. That's okay! I may have recommendations for something that would be a better fit, or we amicably part ways. No harm, no foul!

sound good?

Okay, okay! No more delays. Talk to me!
*Once you submit your answers on the second page, just scroll up and you'll see your confirmation!
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*After you hit "Next", scroll up—there's just one more page, and it's shorter!
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