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project request.

The fastest way for us to both find the answers we are looking for is to get all the relevant information on the table right out of the gate. I don't want you to waste your time on a long "Discovery Call" with me, but at the same time, I do need to understand what you're looking for!


It's a quick and painless process!

Fill out the form

This will take about 3-8 min.

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Get your answers​

In 1-2 business days, you'll get a personalized and informative response with next steps.

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Let's meet!

If it's feeling like a fit, we set up a time to talk project scope, agree on price, and begin!

Other options...

Maybe after getting into the details it doesn't seem like the perfect fit. That's okay! I may have recommendations for something that would be a better fit, or we amicably part ways. No harm, no foul!

sound good?

Okay, okay! No more delays. Talk to me!
*Once you submit your answers on the second page, just scroll up and you'll see your confirmation!
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*After you hit "Next", scroll up—there's just one more page, and it's shorter!
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